The Skinny Fat Solution

2 ratings


This system, new released on April 26, 2023, is the best on planet Earth. It'll skyrocket your strength and triple your confidence. I remove all barriers and unf**k your genetics. If you truly follow everything given and results aren't noticeable by the end of the program, I'll double your money back.


I talked with a sales guy about selling this system.

With it's straightforward, results driven nature, he suggested I sell The Skinny Fat Solution for $299. He said we don't sell a certain number of videos or pages, we sell value (true). He said the little details like method of delivery don't matter. He compared it to other systems of similar value and said I could crack 6-figures in sales on it this year.

I told him that's too much money, and my pricing was firm.

He then asked if I would introduce a monthly payment setup for $47/month and release content out over the next year. He said $10,000/month was on the horizon.

I told him dripping content out was unnecessary, and treating my customers as pawns. They want results. They should get everything to work with upfront.

"So you're really gonna release a training program this good for a one-time payment of $47 and make all updates free?" he said.

"Yes. It's that simple." I replied.

He then sent me the message in bold at the top of this page:

"You're crazy"


Who Are You?

I'm Andrew Robeen.

  • Former skinny-fat dweeb.
  • Current and proud jacked nerd.
  • I get other's shredded with minimal investment.

The Skinny Fat Solution is what I did personally to get out of the skinny-fat rut that dwells on thousands of young lifters.

But let's do a little backstory too:

From 16-20 years old, I was spinning my wheels in the gym.

  • I struggled putting on ANY noticeable muscle gain.
  • Strength progress was minimal. (I gained just 20lbs on bench my first year)
  • According to my Garmin device I was burning 5000+ calories a day due to spending 3-4 hours on the basketball court. (Not exactly an anabolic environment to put it mildly)

I tried every "advanced" training technique in the books and none of them seemed to work.

In November of 2021 I finally got a testosterone check-up...

It was 226 ng/dL.

That's like 80 year old grandpa testosterone levels.

I was insulin resistant, skinny-fat, while holding ZERO muscle mass.

This actually caused me to temporarily hate fitness and dread the gym.

Nearly 4 months going without the gym I realized something:

I needed to get back at it. I needed change.

I did my research on every aspect of fitness imaginable to create a system that worked for me and a buddy who had the same "skinny-fat symptoms".

Less than a year later we actually looked like we lift. Compliments from non-family members (they don't count) were rolling in left and right. The feeling was euphoric.

Now in 2023... are we diced to the f**king socks??

No. That would be unreasonable for a little over a year of training regardless of genetics or training goal/style.

But just 15 months later I have:

  • 1109 ng/dL natural test just by improving many lifestyle factors.
  • NO love handles, no fatigue, and no 'skinny-fat symptoms.' They're now gone.
  • A respectable physique in general, and a GREAT one considering the circumstances and short time-frame.

All of the benefits were obtained using methods and strategies locked away inside The Skinny Fat Solution.

- (click "I Want This" to buy now)

What Are You Offering?

There are two ways of looking at this.

First what's in the offer, and second, the outcome it delivers.

Let's break those down one at a time.

What's locked inside this offer:

  • A 4x/week full-body training system that teaches you how to train, forces progression, and can be repeated nearly forever until you're no longer skinny fat and instead a jacked chad. ($97 value)
  • Training alone won't unf**ck your genetics. Inside is the key intermittent fasting protocol to make you an extremely insulin sensitive, muscle building machine. ($34 value)
  • In a normal person, 80% of glycogen is stored in muscle. In a skinny-fat person, it's more like 30%, and the rest gets stored as fat. Locked inside is "nutrient partitioning mini-workouts" to do on off days near larger meals to GUARANTEE 80% of glycogen is going to muscle, allowing you to build muscle and shred fat at the same time. ($30 value)
  • The top causes of insulin resistance and skinny-fat physiques most don't know about. You MUST avoid these crucial mistakes that I and many others made. ($26 value)
  • The 'skinny fat symptoms' that can indirectly tell you if you're metabolically unhealthy. These signals are impossible to pick up by the scale or the BMI index. ($20 value)
  • BONUS: Body Composition Hacks. You'll never be fat again! ($19 value)
  • BONUS: Primal Testosterone eBook. Double your testosterone levels without the lifelong commitment of TRT ($45 value)

What outcome it delivers:

There are a million ways I could take this section.

I already told you what The Skinny Fat Solution gave me: a strong and powerful physique, newfound confidence, a better network and social life, more income opportunities, and more.

Progress is fun. Variety is fun. Having both every time you step in the gym is a euphoric feeling no other system can provide.

  • If you want to leverage it for a new job and lifestyle changes, you can.
  • If you want to leverage it for more opportunities with women, you can.
  • If you want to leverage it to get the greek god physique you've always wanted, you can.

The list goes on for miles.

That's because a lean, dense, and muscular physique is one of the most valuable assets you can have in today's world. It's no longer the norm. You can now stand out with ease.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed. I say this both as a legal disclaimer and as a person saying there is no miracles here.

You still have to show up and put in the work.

I give you the best sauce on planet Earth, but you still have to cook the meal.

But as a buddy said to me recently when discussing fitness goals:

"The best case of building your dream physique is you completely change your life. The worse case is you learn more about what works for you, try new things, and then you return just slightly better than you were before."

I paraphrased, but that's how it is. Results can never be guaranteed, but you'll never get said results inside your comfort zone.



Let me share some words from people I've sold to or worked with. These are mostly from past products (I don't have many for this system yet as it's newly for sale), but they show you that people consistently love the training systems I create:

FIRST TESTIMONIAL for The Skinny Fat Solution is in. Brother is loving the gains and he's only 5 weeks into his journey. Major progress being made without living inside the gym.

My first system get reviews like this. Imagine a year of more experience in the gym, testing different ideas, and digging through the literature. Calling The Skinny Fat Solution insane is an understatement.

This man has been following me since the beginning. He picked up one of my systems in December 2022 and by February 3rd, 2023, he was loving how strong he was already getting.

15 lbs of strength in 5 weeks. You can honestly expect similar progress on The Skinny Fat Solution after the first few weeks as the initial benefits of the new changes begin to take affect.

This was the first testimonial I ever received. Even back then, ADVANCED clients were noticeable results within 3 months. Imagine adding all I've learned in the past year and factoring in you're not an advanced lifter. Prepare to blow your own mind...

This man lost 3.3kg of fat in 4 weeks while gaining muscle and hitting PR's. -0.2kg in muscle is insane, given lower calories and training volume equals 1-2kg of water retention loss. He lost 3.3kg of fat and gained about 1lb of muscle in 1 month. INSANE.

- (click "I Want This" to buy now)

Who's The Skinny Fat Solution for?

This is a simple one:

If you want to break free from your genetic flaws, want your dream physique, or have been trying to build it for months but see zero progress in the mirror.

If you think you might be insulin resistant, low T, poor recovery, etc.

I cut to the chase and give you the formula that eliminates any learning curves.

Spinning your wheels will become a foreign term to you!

A second point:

Someone who wants superior training without breaking the bank.

A one-time investment of less than $100 with information you can use and incorporate for years. I've seen numerous Twitter and IG "trainers" charge $300+/month for half the shit locked inside The Skinny Fat Solution.

Think of all the people that paid that much just to hear "lift weights often and track your calories"

Like... DUH!

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How Is The Skinny Fat Solution Different?

There's a lot of fitness coaches in this space.

I've bough many training systems myself. Some good. Some bad.

The biggest issues I see are:

The Delivery Method:

Most systems are one of two things...

  1. Dozens of unorganized pdf's that are annoying and filled with fluff.
  2. Creating a 30+ video "course" that could actually be dumbed down to 5 videos or a simple 50 page eBook. That is if they didn't bullshit to make the product seem fuller than it actually is.

Charging $300+ a pop all the while.

Pure ridiculousness.

It's Too Simple:

Simple and consistent training for many, especially you in this case, is the best way to go.

Progress on key lifts over time while the nutrition, insulin resistance, sleep, or low testosterone issues work themselves out bringing you the results you've always wanted.

However, SO F**KING MANY training systems I've seen, and even paid for, will aimlessly write "3x10" or "4x12" on every other movement.

Not once are they thinking about "what", "why", or "how" anywhere in the process.

That's more than just simple. That's downright dumb and wasting the customers time and hard-earned money.

It's Designed By Someone Who's Been There Himself:

I (Andrew) may not be repping 315 out on the gram just yet...

However, just a year and a half ago I had a skinny-fat physique.

Now I don't, and haven't for a long time.

I went over numerous issues that could be at cause for this, however mine was mouth breathing, low T, and insulin resistance.

I break each one and MANY more causes down to help you get your dream physique without making the same mistakes I did.


Why Should I Buy Today Instead of Later?

The biggest reason is that the first 25 customers get $100 off.

Once that's gone, I'll never discount this system again. Not even on your favorite holiday. I don't believe in discounts anymore. If you wait, you will spend more.

Getting started NOW discounts aside is the quickest way to hit your goals. Don't buy into that fear p*rn that says "in 5 years a fit physique will be the ultimate status symbol" or whatever the fuck.

It definitely is a status symbol, however I see a couple guys holding some solid muscle on campus nearly everyday.

The better portion of the younger generation has access to more things health and fitness than any other time in history.

If you wait, you WILL fall behind.

- (click "I Want This" to buy now)

Testimonials (part 2):

He's only a few months in and already noticing that greek god V-Taper start to form. Only a matter of time.

Buddy was in-ring near daily, and still gaining strength while staying lean. That's the power of high-intensity training and prioritizing recovery.

Who said these testimonials had to be on paid products? Hmm??

I can't make this shit up. He was a late beginner/early intermediate however this is still crazy given the fat loss. He's never training any other way again.

He got so strong on one run through of my system, he now Snatch Grips for reps his old conventional 1RM. That's at least a 30-40lb increase, likely more.


You've done enough reading for now.

click "I Want This" to gain lifetime access.

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The Skinny Fat Solution

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